Boso Boso Highland Resort

Antipolo, Rizal
April 25, 2009

Our company held it's annual summer outing at Boso Boso Highland Resort in Antipolo City. It was fun day in a nice place on top of the mountain. The only problem was the 250 steps almost 45 degress angle uphill climb. It's really hard especially when you're drunk.

After a refreshing afternoon in the pool, you have to endured this 250 steps up.

Morong Bataan

04 April 2009

My friend invited me to join their summer get away last saturday. I never been to bataan before and actually I only reached bulacan as the farthest province north of manila and so I was delighted. Packed with back pack and extra battery, I joined their caravan and we leave manila at 5:00 AM. We reach our destination at around 10:00 AM. It was a long journey but it was ok because the place is simply beautiful.

Note: Images were resize for web

It's quite hard to shoot under the sun.
It's HOT but t was FUN !